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Apr 24, 2020

Aside from a thirst for adventure, there is another thing that our previous guests have in common. Whether it be due to the early mornings and long hours spent in training, or the deep dark deprivation which comes in the midst of a long race or endurance challenge, they've all found their sleep patterns disrupted...

Apr 18, 2020

Before his 21st, at an age when most people are worried about little more than partying, Alex Staniforth had already planned 2 attempts at Everest and sadly seen both end in tragedy.

These early setbacks obviously took a toll, but over the last few years, Alex has found new challenges and channeled his own experiences...

Apr 9, 2020

Co-host Kris King is a successful Race Director who has lead runners through tough environments all around the world.  But he is also an experienced ultra-runner, and formerly a full-time strength and fitness coach.

Recorded back in the mists of time, in those halcyon, pre-Lockdown days, this episode includes our...